I don't believe that limitation is real. I believe we are all unlimited beings. I believe that we only experience limitation, because we believe we are limited. I still experience limitation, but I think it is only because I still have work to do with regard to my beliefs and my certainty in them.
I think that there is good evidence that we are unlimited. Look at all of the technology we've invented, for example. How did we create computers that can process billions of instructions in a second? Someone had to first believe that they could do it, and then was certain enough in that belief to see it through to completion. You know that our bodies are doing trillions of things per second, all in near-perfect coordination?
One day I was driving home from work, and I was asking myself a question about whether my thinking about some subject was too limited or not. At the moment the question ran through my mind, I came around a turn and right in front of me was a big billboard with an ad for metroPCS that said "Unlimit Yourself." It was the first time I had ever seen the billboard or heard of that ad campaign. The timing was absolutely perfect. Too perfect to be just coincidence. Just something to consider.
Yours Without Limitation,
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