
September 22nd 2009 - Put It In A Can!

Many of us ( including me, at times) react to the negativity in the world with more negativity. When we hear about acts of violence, we hate the hater who perpetrated it. When we hear about people that are starving, we become sad and resigned. When we hear about the global recession, we become frightened and feel helpless.

What if you could put your feelings in cans, and send them to a situation to heal it. If you witnessed a sad situation, and you wanted to heal it, would you send cans of Sadness? No, you would send cans of Joy. If you wanted to diffuse a Scary and Uncertain situation, would you send cans of Fear and Uncertainty? No, you would send cans of Courage and Certainty.

We can't can our Consciousness, but it is just as effective. Since we are all connected to everything, our Consciousness instantaneously goes to wherever it is focused. Our economy is an example, as it is largely controlled by how people feel about it. That's why Consumer Confidence is a powerful measure of where the economy is headed. Consumer Confidence is just a measure of Consumer Consciousness. A quick downturn in Consumer Confidence can quickly sink the economy. One person's fear affects another, and so on, until the wave of fear overcomes almost everyone.

You can't help anyone, unless you are coming from a more positive perspective. You'll never lift up a sad person by frowning at them. A genuine smile and a happy hug, however, may uplift them. You can't help a poor person by becoming poor, or by feeling guilty about being abundant. From your abundance, you can teach them how to be abundant.

Stop fanning the flames of negativity with more of the same. Be a Light in the darkness. Put your Happiness, Courage, Certainty and Love in cans, and distribute them graciously.

Alan :)

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