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The healing process begins instantaneously. The moment you cut your skin, your body begins to clot the blood and close the cut. The moment you stop eating a food that is unhealthy for you, your body starts repairing the damage and returning to good health. The body's ability to heal, however, is limited. If it gets overwhelmed by too big a healing task, or too many healing tasks at once, it may not make it. So it is with the Earth.
The Earth is just a big body. It has natural ways of healing and cleansing itself. If you cut down half the trees in a forest and then left the forest alone for a few years, you'd come back to find a lot of stuff that grew in the area where the cutting took place. If you dumped some stuff in a river, and then left it alone for twenty years, you would probably not detect much of what you had dumped twenty years earlier in the water. If you continually cut the trees without ever stopping, or you never stop dumping in the water, then it's another story. The forest or river becomes overwhelmed.
And so, we are at where we are at with the Earth. Where we are at is a result of our collective will. When we, collectively, decide to focus our intentions on preserving and renewing the Earth's ecosystems, the healing process will begin, automatically. If we, collectively, decide to continue cutting down, paving and destroying, we will eventually be left with a planet that will be uninhabitable by human beings. If there were no humans here, and we just got out of Nature's way, trust me that things would heal pretty quickly. The healing process begins instantaneously.
While we may not be able to make a global impact on the way we, collectively, treat the Earth in our day-to-day dealings, we can at least make a small impact. People watch what other people do, and sometimes change their habits when they see another's behavior that they believe is more appropriate. Yesterday, I picked up some stuff that had fallen on the floor near the cash register of a store where I was checking out, and the woman in front of me asked her young daughter, "Why didn't you pick that stuff up, like that man did?" Everything that people see you do has an impact. Even if they don't change, it at least affects their perspective. If they see a few other people acting the same way, afterwards, then they may change.
Why not try monitoring some of your behavior regarding your connection to the Earth?
- Can you choose a product that has less packaging, and, thus, less waste?
- Can you spend a little more on an organic product, knowing that pesticides were not sprayed?
- Can you put that plastic bottle in the trunk of your car and take it home to be recycled, instead of throwing it in a trash can?
- Can you eat a little less meat, knowing that factory farming causes a host of problems for the environment?
- Can you turn off the lights when you leave a room, knowing that most of our energy is currently produced by burning environmentally harmful substances?
I could go on and list hundreds of things you could do. There are so many that will become obvious to you if you just pay attention to what you are doing. Everything you do, personally, that impacts the Earth, will have an effect, even if it's tiny. Your individual will, eventually merges with the collective will. As individuals change, other people begin to change with them. As our collective will changes, big changes occur rapidly. Five years ago, who was on Facebook? Did it even exist? Now we almost all are on Facebook, daily.
Are you ready for the Earth to heal? Are you ready to drink clean, pure water again? Are you ready to breathe clean air again? Are you ready to eat food that serves your body and feeds good health? Are you ready to herald in a new, Green Era where we take the Earth into consideration in everything we do, instead of looking at everything purely in terms of dollars and cents? I am ready! It's already happening. What little changes can you make right now to help the healing process? Can you just pay a little more attention to your behavior and how it impacts your environment?
Let The Healing Begin!
As children, new to the world, we are so free. We are like beautiful, hot air balloons, flying freely through bright, blue skies. It's easy to be happy. It's so easy to smile and laugh. It's easy to be lighthearted. Then people start handing us sandbags. These sandbags are mostly made up of the dos, don'ts, shoulds, shouldn'ts and have-tos that we learn to bear. They tell us, "Here. Take these sandbags. You have to carry them in your basket." We take on more and more sandbags, until our basket is so full, we are pulled down to the ground. Most of us continue to take on more sandbags throughout the courses of our lives. We never get flying, again. In fact, we stop believing that we are supposed to fly. We look around at everyone we know, and almost no one is flying. They are all weighed down by the sandbags they accepted.
If this sounds familiar, please don't blame the people who gave you the sandbags. They didn't mean any harm. They thought they were helping. They were just passing on what they learned in the course of their own lives. You, however, have an opportunity to take a different tack.
You witness that some people ARE still flying. They mostly think and act differently than the others. They may have been lucky enough to find a good teacher who taught them how to start removing the sandbags, and to stop taking new sandbags on. They may have just been very fortunate to have independently developed the qualities of observation, discernment and courage, and were able to forge their own beliefs and ideas and roll with them, and discarded the sandbags of their own accord.
I am not advocating running away from your responsibilities. Sometimes you have to land your balloon to help another, or to complete a task that has to be completed. You may find it necessary to retain a few of the sandbags. I'm recommending that you take an inventory of your sandbags, and notice how many of them are unnecessary. How much are you weighed down, unnecessarily, by things that you learned from others that are not necessarily true, and not necessarily serving you? How many things were you taught about who you are, that are not necessarily true? How many limited beliefs about yourself and others are you carrying with you? How many prejudicial ideas are you carrying about others, that might not necessarily be true? How many ideas are you carrying about the world and everything in it, that may not be serving you or the world?
If you find yourself grounded by the heaviness of your sandbags, you can systematically pick them up, observe them, and discard the ones that don't serve you. If you do so, you will eventually see that your basket is lifting off the ground again. One day you will be flying so high above the clouds, you won't want to come down too much. Other people will call to you to come down. When you come down, they will immediately start handing you sandbags, again. They don't know any better. They don't remember how to fly, and they are afraid to let go of their sandbags, so they can't reach you up there. Come down, when need be. Try to help them remove their sandbags. If it's too scary for them, and they won't let the sandbags go, don't let them keep you grounded. There are too many others who need your help to fly. You'll eventually find someone else who will remove their sandbags, and you'll fly off together into the wild, blue yonder. The feeling of regaining your freedom can only be matched, again, by helping someone else regain hers or his.
Happy Flying,
Many of us ( including me, at times) react to the negativity in the world with more negativity. When we hear about acts of violence, we hate the hater who perpetrated it. When we hear about people that are starving, we become sad and resigned. When we hear about the global recession, we become frightened and feel helpless.
What if you could put your feelings in cans, and send them to a situation to heal it. If you witnessed a sad situation, and you wanted to heal it, would you send cans of Sadness? No, you would send cans of Joy. If you wanted to diffuse a Scary and Uncertain situation, would you send cans of Fear and Uncertainty? No, you would send cans of Courage and Certainty.
We can't can our Consciousness, but it is just as effective. Since we are all connected to everything, our Consciousness instantaneously goes to wherever it is focused. Our economy is an example, as it is largely controlled by how people feel about it. That's why Consumer Confidence is a powerful measure of where the economy is headed. Consumer Confidence is just a measure of Consumer Consciousness. A quick downturn in Consumer Confidence can quickly sink the economy. One person's fear affects another, and so on, until the wave of fear overcomes almost everyone.
You can't help anyone, unless you are coming from a more positive perspective. You'll never lift up a sad person by frowning at them. A genuine smile and a happy hug, however, may uplift them. You can't help a poor person by becoming poor, or by feeling guilty about being abundant. From your abundance, you can teach them how to be abundant.
Stop fanning the flames of negativity with more of the same. Be a Light in the darkness. Put your Happiness, Courage, Certainty and Love in cans, and distribute them graciously.
Alan :)
In the body, all we really are is just a perspective of the Creator. The vast majority of us are a very limited perspective. We are limited by the filters that we each carry, which I have discussed in a prior writing. Perhaps the greatest of all filters is our body consciousness. We are limited by the filters of our five senses, as well as our hunger, thirst, fatigue and body weaknesses.
Anything that we digest through the five senses and body consciousness is very limited and illusory information. For example, I have always had a distaste for cheese. My best friend is one of the biggest cheese lovers on the planet. If we went to a cheese store together, he would be roaming around, wide-eyed, while I would be holding my nostrils closed, desiring to leave as soon as possible. The scents of the different cheeses are the same sensory input for each of us, but that input is digested and processed differently by each of us, due to our individual body consciousness. His senses love cheese, while mine detest it.
One way to expand our perspective is to step outside of ourselves; to step into someone else's shoes. When we attempt to see things through someone else's eyes, especially when the other's perspective is opposed to our own, we are expanding our perspective. For instance, when we are arguing with someone, we mostly see things only from our own standpoint. I am right, and s/he is wrong. This type of thinking is totally tied to our individual filters and body consciousness. The other person has a different way of filtering the same information, so, from her or his perspective, s/he is right, and I am wrong. Everybody has a justification for what they say, do and think. S/he may determine later, through discernment, that her or his perspective was wrong, but discernment is a filter or set of filters (or perhaps the temporary removal of a filter or set of filters) that was not being applied in the first instance. So, s/he may apologize for a prior action on the grounds that s/he was under the influence of a limited perspective which s/he is now able to see through.
When we have the intent to see things through the other's perspective, we have temporarily expanded our own, limited perspective, at least, to the limited perspectives of two. As we exercise this ability regularly, we become more compassionate, and our perspective expands. We can more easily and quickly expand our perspective in any given situation, to incorporate the perspectives of ALL the players in a situation. When we are able to do so, we are closer to the perspective of the Creator, who sees things through ALL eyes, and we are more likely to reach a conclusion that serves ALL perspectives in a situation, versus our own selfish agenda. We will find, in the long run, that Life is more satisfying when ALL perspectives are taken into account, because ALL will be happier. We may think that we will be happier if we get our way all of the time, but this is an illusion. If we have all we want, but everyone around us suffers from deficiencies, we will be around a bunch of unhappy people, and it will affect us.
We may have enough to eat, but it bothers us when we hear about all of the starving people around the world. We may be free, but it bothers us to hear about children and others who are sold or kidnapped into forced labor. We may have health insurance, but it bothers us to hear about all the people that cannot afford needed care. Although our illusory filters may paint us as disconnected from other people by geography, we instinctively know that they are a part of us. We cannot be truly free until ALL of us are free. What affects any part affects the whole. There is no way around it. Expand your limited perspective, please, for the good of all.
Changing The World, One Perspective At A Time,
You could not be more loved! The Love that loves you is complete. It is Eternal and Infinite. It could never be fully expressed in the physical, and, therefore, could never be fully comprehended by the human mind.
In your darkest hour, know that you are loved completely and unconditionally, without judgment, no matter how many mistakes you've made, no matter who you've hurt or what you've done. A Perfect You lies deep inside; so deep that hardly anyone is really in touch with it. That part of you is the Love and the Loved, all at once. It is immovable and remains untarnished at all times, even at your lowest of lows. How do I know this? Some of this I have learned, and some just comes through intuition. You don't have to believe it. Everyone has his/her own Truth. Hopefully, your Truth is serving you, and creating a better world.
If you want to access the part of you that is perfect more readily, BE it. In the toughest moment, Be the Love you would want to experience as the other party. Love your neighbor as yourself. That's what all the Masters came to teach. It's so simple that it gets lost in its simplicity, and has to be taught again and again, through story after story, through scripture after scripture. It's so simple, that it gets twisted every which way, until it no longer looks anything like it really is.
Your neighbor IS yourself. There is only one True Self. That same spark of Light exists in everybody. If you go as deep inside "any-ONE" as you can, you will eventually arrive at the same point; that same spark of Light. The whole Universe sprang forth from it. There is only an illusion that everything is separate. The UNI-verse is one complete whole, and you contain the spark of completeness from which it came.
If we lived by this assertion, there would be no wars; no one would starve, because no one would stand for it; no one would die for lack of resources to pay for medical care, and there would be no childish debate about it; no one would pollute his environment, because it was cheaper in the short term than the alternative. No one would do these things, because they would realize that anything that is done to a part, is done to the whole.ONE LOVE,